Lean Six Sigma History-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum milwaukee

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Lean Six Sigma History-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum milwaukee

Lean Six Sigma is a method you shouldn’t ignore if you want to have an advantage over your competitors, classmates, or colleagues. The methodology has grown rapidly over the past 12 years as part of the methodologies that are powerful tools for solving problems that lead to improvement and growth in companies. As long as you are able to use LSS principles correctly as a qualified practitioner, this method can be applied in any project, and you will gain more opportunities as a practitioner in it. At Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Milwaukee High School Students of Wisconsin, we love to offer training and certification to those interested, either individuals or groups. But before anyone makes a decision, our team likes to start with the LSS history.

We aim to provide all information regarding this methodology to individuals, institutions, and companies so they can make informed decisions. Although history may seem irrelevant, it will help them understand a lot about how LSS works.

Lean 6 Sigma isn’t what most people think. It was developed in the USA and incorporated Japanese management principles. However, Six Sigma and Lean are what most influence it instead of being a methodology that “came out of nowhere.”

Kaizen, the Japanese influence on Lean Six Sigma, helped Japanese companies reach new heights by improving their processes and reducing waste. American companies were left behind by them in the 1980s because their products could not compete with those of Japan.

Kaizen is unique in that it emphasizes small, positive improvements while minimizing time spent on redundant tasks.

LSS was created in the late 1980s from Japanese industry competition as American businesses needed an answer to compete with the opposite country.

Now, LSS is not only focused on the same as Kaizen but rather boosts companies in different ways by addressing problems, waste, unnecessary steps, and more.

How Did Lean Six Sigma Begin?

When studying LSS, it is crucial to know the difference between Six Sigma and Lean. It is incorrect to assume that one method is all, as the main protagonist of today comes from two individual ones with their own benefits and influences.

Lean principles and structures were a key to many companies’ success in production in the 40s.

Lean can be traced back to Toyota and how it was integrated into Toyota Production System (TPS). John Krafcik was a former student at Toyota and was searching for a name that would describe the TPS system.

He wrote down the differences between Toyota’s system and traditional mass production on a whiteboard. He concluded that Toyota’s system needed less of everything in order to create value. This is part of Lean principles, as it focuses on reducing waste and improving quality.

John concludes his talk by mentioning Lean. This is a system that reduces waste and other activities that are not value-added.

Six Sigma, an American-based method that dates back to the 1980s, will be the next. Motorola founded Six Sigma because the company couldn’t compete against foreign companies during its early years. Motorola’s CEO Bob Galvin had set the goal to double its revenue in five years. He used the method to accomplish it.

Its main purpose was to promote global cooperation, participative management, quality improvement, and global competition. Motorola quickly adopted six Sigma as the standard for all business processes since it has been proven to increase cycle times and produce better results.

Combining Lean and Six Sigma allows you to focus on the problem and find solutions. LSS was born by combining these principles and focusing attention on waste and its root causes.

LSS offers more solutions for the gaps and all structures of both methods, so it’s safe that it’s not an easy combination or cannot be defined as such alone.

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Then, What Do You Need to Know About Lean 6 Sigma?

LSS is intended to improve productivity and efficiency and reduce waste.

If you are looking for an explanation or history of LSS, it is important to be able to comprehend the principles and solutions of Six Sigma and Kaizen.

Lean helps employees and companies to understand customers better and learn how to prioritize their needs. To achieve perfection, they can also concentrate on the company’s value stream and processes.

Six Sigma is dedicated to excellence. It promotes efficiency and clean operations through the identification and resolution of problems.

These are the core of LSS. However, our main methodology is based more on the standards it has established over time. It is possible to:

  • Learn how to reduce waste.
  • Increase efficiency.
  • Reduce errors.
  • Reduce risk.
  • Improve your time management skills.
  • Lower costs mean higher revenues and better wages.
  • Motivate employees.
  • Leadership and innovation are fundamental concepts that can both be established within a company or an individual’s mind.

Lean Six Sigma Training in Milwaukee

Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Pros of Milwaukee can assist anyone interested in this industry. Because of its history and operation, more companies are implementing it, and thus, practitioners are more valuable. 

All levels of students can learn how to integrate LSS into their daily lives. This is not only for college students or professionals but also for high school students.

Schools, businesses, and individuals are all welcome to create a program with our team’s help.

We want you to be a valuable asset to every company where you work and to be able to handle your own projects. Contact us for more information and certification.